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5 Ways in which ModularSport’s Durable Surfaces Improve Athletic Performance

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5 Ways in which ModularSport’s Durable Surfaces Improve Athletic Performance

ModularSport’s durable surfaces are designed to enhance athletic performance in many ways. Here are are just a few of the many key benefits athletes can experience when using one of the surfaces we sell:

Optimal traction

ModularSport’s courts will provide athletes with an excellent grip. Why is this important? Because it will give players the ability to quickly change direction. This is especially important for sports that demand fast movements. We mean sports such as basketball, tennis and volleyball.

Also, a good grip on the ground helps athletes avoid slips and falls. This is a key benefit so that players do not get injured during an intense training session or match.


Our sports courts provide optimal cushioning. This feature helps reduce the risk of injury and fatigue. How does the surface provide such cushioning?

Simple, the tiles that make up the courts have only a few points of contact with the base of the court. This very small elevation also allows the tile to deform slightly on impact. Then the tile returns to its original shape.

Thanks to this feature, the impact of a jump won’t be absorbed by the knees and joints of the players but by the surface.

The cushioning is essential for sports where players jump and changing directions. We mean sports such as basketball, volleyball and gymnastics, among others.

Ball bounce

The ModularSport’s courts provide the perfect bounce to the ball. This is essential for basketball, volleyball and tennis. A natural bounce allows athletes to perform at their best by giving them speed and ball control.

In conclusion, these durable surfaces are designed to enhance athletic performance. They offer optimal traction, cushioning and ball bounce. Athletes can experience these benefits only when playing on a modular surface. For that reason, the modular courts are an excellent option for sports facilities.

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